1. Hard-On Water- Based Rust Coating

Hard-On Water- Based Rust Coating

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     Spray Guns-  Hard-On by woolwax™ is a relatively low viscosity water-based coating and can be applied with almost any undercoating gun. 

Questions ?  Reach us at 888-341-4600  M-F 8am - 5pm.  All orders shipped from Massachusetts. 


Update:  We are hearing from people that are using Hard-On on all types of applications outside of undercoating, with great results.  old rusted boat trailers, auto/truck fender wells, drain pipes, outdoor rusted generators, and all sorts of equipment. Please keep emailing us with any new uses for Hard-On permanent coating. Rusted metal ?  Get some Hard-On ! 

Hard-On™ is a water based coating that can be used on any metal surface.  No smell. Paint or spray on. This is dark gray in the can. After 30 minutes it dries to a pure black.  

Woolwax Hard-On is a high performance, permanent 1-time hard shell coating. NOT rubber. For those people that want a "1 time"  application, as opposed to an annual maintenance products, Hard-On is a great choice.  

Hard-On can easily be sprayed or painted on the surface.

Please read instructions carefully


·        This coating dries to a pure black. This is NOT a rubber coating. This dries to a very hard coating.

·        Drying time is 60 minutes to the touch, and 72 hours to be fully cured.

·        Expected life expectancy is 5-10 years depending on use.

·        The surface does not need to be pristine. Hard-On™ is developed to be applied on used,  rusted, oily, or imperfect surfaces.

·        This product can freeze. Always store above 50 degrees.

·        Ideal temperature to apply is 50-90 degrees F.

·        This coating is not intended to be removed (be certain that you want a permanent coating).

·        Wipe off any overspray immediately with damp cloth before it begins to dry.

·        Keep unused product securely closed to keep air out.  

·        In addition to corrosion preventive, Hard-On is also a chip guard.

·        Incredible durable protection from salt, rust, moisture, and road debris.

·        Acts as a sound and vibration deadener.·        Ideal product for very long-term vehicle protection as well as trailers, RV’s, school buses, motor homes, truck box trailers, delivery trucks, and more. 

** Hard-On by woolwax™ is not high-heat resistant. Typically undercoating formulas primary function is as a corrosion inhibiting agent. Developing a coating that is also high-heat resistant is not an option due to the cost being to high to sell to the majority of undercoating users. It is very costly to make it high-heat resistant.

     Hard-On by woolwax™ will burn off at 140° F and should not be applied to tailpipes, mufflers, engine blocks, etc. A typical heat resistant coating will tolerate 800 - 1000°F.

Very Proudly Made in USA !

Click here for application instructions


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