1. Woolwax "XLV" Marine Formula

Woolwax "XLV" Marine Formula

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Your Price: $84.50
Part Number: wwXLV
Feature: 111

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Woolwax® "XLV" is a formula that is used heavily in the marine industry. (also known as "Liquid A"
Woolwax® "XLV"is an extremely effective corrosion inhibitor that is resistant to salt water and salt spray. "XLV" is formulated as a "float coating" for rudders, voids, ballast tanks, coffer dams,  and other inaccessible spaces.  


* Long Life- several years between applications.
* Can be used on heavily rusted surfaces. The low viscosity has excellent penetrating qualities.
* Woolwax "XLV" will displace moisture
* High flash point.
* Woolwax® XLV is lighter than water and is designed for float coating applications. 
* "XLV" reacts with moisture to form a soft gel barrier

When Woolwax® "XLV" is pumped into a ballast tank the "XLV" is distinctly visible as a floating layer on the surface of the tank water.  The tank is slowly filled to the very top to ensure that the top of the tank is coated. Then the water is slowly drained at a rate of 1" per minute.  The "XLV" coating will adhere to the sides of the tank. A visual inspection should assure that all areas are covered with "XLV". Allow 2-3 days for the "XLV" to cure.

Other uses for Woolwax® XLV

  • Woolwax® "XLV" is also used to protect wire rope of all kinds. The low viscosity allows the XLV to penetrate to the inner cores of corroded wire rope. 
  • CAVITY WAX.  Enclosed/protected areas of vehicle. (doors, frame rails, rockers, etc.)
  • Woolwax® "XLV" is ideal for the storage of any machinery or equipment that is stored indoors and not exposed to the outdoor elements.
  • Locks
  • Perfect for any application that needs corrosion protection but  does not require a thick coating that is resistant to outdoor elements.
  • Any type of equipment that is stored indoors.
  • Applications that need to be applied with a pump sprayer.
  • Firearms & fishing reels
  • Any metal equipment that needs corrosion protection & lubrication. 

Available in quart bottle, gallons, 5 gallon pails, and 5 gallon drums.

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